Motorola Droid’s Shadow - the latest in family of Droids

Motorola Droid’s Shadow - the latest in family of Droids  A recent trend of publicity is slowly catching up. All the top models are being deliberately left at public places in order to catch maximum popularity, thus bringing a trendsetting change. First came the iPhone 4G which was spotted at a bar and now comes the Motorola offering Droid Shadow which was left at a gym.

It was this phone aka Motorola Droid Shadow that supposedly had its images posted with details a few days ago and lo! the same phone has been left out at a gym. These deliberate attempts of popularity are fast catching attention as it seems the word of mouth is the current popular source of advertising for gadgets.

The phone that was apparently left out was a prototype based on Verizon. Also a poster at the Howard Forums, where the phone was first seen had a close-up image of the phone hinting the prominence of the phone. As per the images it is tainted that the screen size of the phone is either 4.1 or 4.3 inch.

Also confusion persists based on the running processor which could be either an ARM Cortex A8 or a Snapdragon based. But the surety comes in the form of video recording that is 720p based which will have an HDMI port and will come with 8GB of internal storage memory. However the actuality might be revealed in July 2010.