Michelle Obama, daughters say bonjour to Eiffel Tower

Michelle Obama, daughters say bonjour to Eiffel TowerNew York, June 6 : Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama stopped to say hello to the Eiffel Tower during their visit to Paris.

The First Lady and her daughters left many beaming after waving to fellow tourists, who greeted the mum-of-two.

The trip marks the first international excursion for the girls since their father became president, reports the New York Daily News.

The trio joined President Barack Obama, who jetted in separately after treading the Middle East and Germany, and the family spent the night at the U. S. Embassy.

They were slated to fly to Normandy to attend the international ceremonies marking the 65th anniversary of the World War II D-Day landings.

The First Family was then due to return to the French capital to pay a visit to the Notre Dame Cathedral.

While the President will fly back to Washington on June 7, his wife and girls would stay behind for a week to have a taste of the French culture. (ANI)