Israel hits Gaza tunnels in response to deadly bomb blast

Israel hits Gaza tunnels in response to deadly bomb blast Tel Aviv - Israeli aircraft bombed tunnels under the Gaza-Egyptian border early Wednesday morning, in response to an attack against an Israeli army border patrol Tuesday which killed one soldier, the Israeli military said in a statement.

The statement gave no further details, and there was no word of casualties.

Israel says the Palestinian militants, and in particular Hamas, which administers the Gaza Strip, use the tunnels to smuggle weapons into the salient, in addition to using them to bring in basic necessities made scarce by Israel's blockade of the enclave.

Israel has demanded that, as part of a ceasefire with the Gaza militias, Hamas end its arms smuggling, a demand Hamas rejects.

The attack against the Israeli patrol Tuesday, and the subsequent Israeli strikes which killed two Palestinians in two different incidents, marked the most serious clash between the sides since Israel and the militant groups announced two separate unilateral ceasefires last week, ending a three-week-long intense Israeli assault against the Gaza Strip.

It took place a day before the new US envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, was due to arrive on what US President Barack Obama said was a "listening" mission.

Mitchell, slated to touch down in Israel on Wednesday afternoon, will meet with Israeli officials shortly after arrival, and on Thursday will hold talks with Palestinian officials in Ramallah. (dpa)
