Health Update

Malaria cure being developed by DRDO from north-eastern herb

Anti Malarial DrugAn anti-malaria drug is being developed by the DRDO from an herb found in the north-east, which may be used as a better alternative to usual drugs like Chloroquine.

It was confirmed by Dr. W. Selvamurtyhy, Chief controller of the DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) on Sunday, "Six months back, we discovered the anti-malarial qualities in an herb Gommstema found exclusively in the northeast."

Bacteria can help in controlling dengue

Bacteria can help in controlling dengueScientists in Australia and China have found a new way to fight dengue. Till now there is no vaccine or cure for dengue fever. Their study revealed that infecting the Aedes aegypti mosquito species that carry the dengue virus mosquitoes with engineered bacteria known as Wolbachia can cut their lives short and reduce the probability of transmitting dengue and other diseases.

New prostate cancer drug gets approval from FDA

New prostate cancer drug gets approval from FDAProstate cancer is the most common cancer in American men. It is estimated that 186,000 cases will be detected last year, and the dreaded disease will claim close to twenty eight thousand lives.

The Food and Drug Administration has given green signal to Degarelix, a novel gonadotrophin-releasing hormone blocker that lowers the level of testosterone, in a different way than other medicines do it, as well as levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

Fresh blood transfusion increases the chances of cancer survival

Fresh blood transfusion increases the chances of cancer survivalRecent research has revealed that transfusion of young blood increased the chances of survival in animals challenged with leukaemia and breast cancer. "Young" blood is the blood which has been stored for less than nine days.

Research team led by Shamgar Ben-Eliyahu from its department of neuroimmunology research unit, Tel Aviv University (TAU) conducted tests on rats with leukaemia and breast cancer. Researchers said that the oldest blood in a blood bank usually sits on the shelf anywhere from 40 to 42 days before it expires.

Presence of a variant of the gene indicates the risk of early coronary artery disease

Presence of a variant of the gene indicates the risk of early coronary artery diseaseResearch team led by Cardiologist Svati Shah at the Duke University School of Medicine discovered a gene, presence of which increases the risk of suffering a heart attack before a person turn 40. Study revealed that a variant of the gene called NPY makes people susceptible to early coronary artery disease.

Cancer-preventive compounds in broccoli discovered

Cancer-preventive compounds in broccoli discoveredPrevious studies have shown that broccoli can cut the risk of developing breast cancer. Recent research conducted by Leslie Wilson, professor of biochemistry and pharmacology, and Mary Ann Jordan, adjunct professor in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology revealed that compounds present in broccoli that help in removing toxic substances from the body.

Researchers found that compounds known isothiocyanates present in broccoli works in similar manner to taxol and vincristine, which are chemotherapy drugs that kill rapidly growing cancer cells.
