Health Update

‘Detox products do not work’ - Scientists warn

detoxScientists have warned in a report about the products that claim to 'detox' your body, don't work actually. Some British Science students reviewed 15 'detox' products-from bottled water to face scrub and found that many products were 'meaningless'.

Voice of Young Science, a group representing PhD and post-doctorate students working in science reported that companies use the phrases that seemed to be scientific but actually do not mean anything. Without any scientific evidence these products mislead the consumers and they start believing that 'detox' products actually work.

Health Canada approves Aurobindo's Gabapentin capsules

Gabapentin-capsuleThe health department of Canadian Government has allowed Aurobindo Pharma for submission of its abbreviated new drug, Gabapentin capsules in 100mg, 300mg and 400mg strengths.

Aurobindo Pharma is a Hyderabad-based manufacturer of generic pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The company is already supplying some generic drugs in the Canadian market. The recent approval by Canadian health body is the sixth approval received by Indian Pharmaceutical major.

New technique developed to cure Type-1 Diabetes.

New technique developed to cure Type-1 Diabetes. To cure type-1 diabetes, researchers have found a technique of transplanting insulin-producing pancreatic cells. 

In diabetic patients, pancreatic beta cells are destroyed, which damages the body’s immune system. Heart disease, blindness, kidney disease and premature death can also occur because of Type 1 diabetes. It can also appear during childhood or adolescence. 

Cell transplantation therapy is limited. In this case, the recipients require powerful immunosuppressant medications which often raise the risk of infection and toxic side effects. 

Scientists have discovered a gene to identify early cardiovascular disease

Scientists have discovered a gene to identify early cardiovascular diseaseUS scientists have discovered a gene that can identify the risk of heart attack among people under the age of 40 who develop the coronary artery disease (CAD). 

Researchers claim that the new gene would prevent thousands of heart attacks as it predicts the increased risk of heart attack in advance.

Researchers from the Duke University Medical School in North Carolina said that they have found a variation in a particular gene which increases the susceptibility to early coronary artery disease. 

NRI doctors will open free health clinics in every state of India

NRI doctors will open free health clinics in every state of IndiaTo provide the better health treatment in India, an organization, known as ‘AAPI’ (American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin) is planning to open at least one free clinic in each state of India. 

This organization has more than 46,000 physicians of Indian origin who are now living in the US. They will train the rural medical professionals for early diagnosing and treating many fatal diseases. 

Cancer cells have an "escape tactic" which can outwit potent caner drugs

Cancer cells have an "escape tactic" which can outwit potent caner drugs
Recent research has revealed that some cancer cells are able to "recover" from doses of chemotherapy that could generally destroy other types of cells.

Earlier it was believed that no cells can survive after the therapy triggered a process called apoptosis, or cell suicide. 
