Health Update

In Medical Tourism Race, India Is On 2nd Place!

In Medical Tourism Race, India Is On 2nd Place!A study has disclosed that India ranks second in medical tourism all
through the world by spending just 1.2% of its GDP on health matters.

The study also said that India takes proper care of patients, which comes from foreign countries.

In 2007, around 4.5 lakh foreign patients were treated in Indian hospitals as compared to other nations.

Thailand topped the list with a record number of 12 lakh.

two-year study conducted by healthcare researchers Deloitte also said
that India treat patients not only from its neighboring states and West

Anaesthesia Makes Children Disable To Learn

Anaesthesia Makes Children Disable To LearnA new study disclosed that kids below four years who are administered general anaesthesia are at higher risk of developing learning disabilities as compared to other children of similar age.

Randall Flick, an anesthesiologist and pediatrician from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, and his fellow workers identified 593 children born between 1976 and 1982 who have been anesthetized during surgical intervention until their age of 4.

The researchers also identified over 4,700 children who did not anesthetized during the same period.

Elderly diabetic dies due to overdose of insulin

Elderly diabetic dies due to overdose of insulin Administration of wrong dosage by a newly-qualified community nurse costs an elderly patient her life. Diabetic pensioner Margaret Thomas was injected with ten times more insulin by Community nurse Joanne Evans. Mrs Thomas, 85, from South Wales died on June 2, 2007 within six hours of the overdose.

Fellow nurses informed the court that Ms Evans was upset before she visited the pensioner as another patient had been difficult and "sexually inappropriate" with her that morning and the previous day.

93.2 per cent girls immunized against cervical cancer

Girls immunized against cervical cancer Official statistics revealed the positive response of girls to immunisation scheme which aims at protecting them against types 16 and 18 of the human papillomavirus responsible for 70 per cent of cervical cancers.

Statistics showed that 93.2 per cent of the 10,348 Lothian girls eligible for the immunization programme have received their first dose, while 89.1 per cent have had their second since the programme's launch last September. Immunization for the cervical cancer is presently offered to all girls in the second year of secondary school.

Teenage girls drinking more than boys: study

Teenage girls drinking more than boysRecent study revealed that binge drinking culture is high on popularity charts in UK. UK has the third-highest number of 15 and 16-year-olds with an alcohol problem out of
35 countries.

Study of UK sample involving 1,004 boys and 1,175 girls revealed that the binge drinking is contributing towards alcohol-related problems and unprotected sex. 33% of the study subjects said they have been drunk within 30 days of the survey. Nearly 26% said they had suffered an accident or injury as a result of getting drunk while 11% revealed that they had unprotected sex.

Diabetes cases increasing at alarming pace in UK

Diabetes cases increasing at alarming pace in UKUnhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle is taking toll on health of people in the UK. Recent study revealed that there was a 74% rise in new cases of diabetes from 1997 to 2003.

But majority of cases are type 2 diabetes linked to obesity. Moreover number of diabetics is increasing at faster pace in UK as compared to US. Researchers analyzed the data from almost five million medical records
