Health Update

California plant recalls pistachio products on suspicion of salmonella

California plant recalls pistachio products on suspicion of salmonella Setton Farms in Terra Bella, California, the second-largest pistachio processor in the United States, is recalling roasted pistachio products under suspicion of presence of salmonella. However no illness has been reported due to consumption of its products.

Dr. David Acheson, FDA's associate commissioner said that salmonella strains were found last week during routine test by Kraft Foods, one of about three dozen companies that purchase pistachios from Setton Farms.

FDA gives green signal Afinitor for treating advanced kidney cancer

Food and Drug AdministrationU. S. Food and Drug Administration gave given green signal to Afinitor made by Novartis for treating advanced kidney cancer in people that is ineffective to other therapies. Afinitor works by blocking cells' ability to communicate hence preventing the growth of tumors.

FDA said patients tested with Novartis' Afinitor lived more than twice as long without tumor growth as those who didn't receive the drug. The study by the Swiss drugmaker showed Afinitor delayed tumor growth nearly 5 months, compared with less than two months for patients not taking the drug.

Fortis Healthcare May Buy 74% Stake In Wockhardt Hospitals; Stock Up 4.55%

Fortis Healthcare May Buy 74% Stake In Wockhardt Hospitals; Stock Up 4.55%According to reports, Fortis Healthcare is likely to strike a deal to get hold of 74% equity stake in unlisted Wockhardt Hospitals for about Rs 7.5 billion.

If the deal get finalizes, Fortis will have to invest Rs 4 billion during the initial phase to acquire a 40% equity stake, which will be raised later.

But, a formal agreement is yet to be sealed, with both companies in the process of ironing out differences, which include the issue of branding the hospital chain, the report added.

Little Abhilasha Is Still Alive!

Little Abhilasha Is Still Alive!Abhilasha Rahurikar, a 16 months and two weeks old baby girl, came to Apollo Hospital with a hope of a new life, but instead given a new life to many others.

The little girl from Bhopal was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia, a rare condition in newborns in which the common bile duct between the liver and small intestine is blocked or absent, soon after birth.

Abhilasha underwent a complicated surgery in Bangalore to correct her problem when she was just 3-months old.

The doctors then referred her to the Apollo Hospital to undergo a liver transplant.

Exposure to anesthesia during first three years increase risk of learning disability

Exposure to anesthesia during first three years increase risk of learning disability

Recent study revealed that children exposed to anesthesia during first three years of their life are at higher risk of developing learning disabilities when they grow up. Previous studies have shown that anesthetic drugs can lead to abnormalities in the brains of young animals.

Research team led by Randall Flick, a paediatrician at Rochester's Mayo Clinic analyzed data collected from studied the medical records of 5,357 children from Olmsted County who were born between 1976 and 1982.

Oxidized linalool in shampoos and soaps can cause eczema

Oxidized linalool in shampoos and soaps can cause eczemaRecent study revealed that many people are allergic to air oxidized form of the linalool, a fragrance ingredient. Linalool is added in many shampoos, skin conditioners and soaps but it is naturally found in lavender, mint, and other plants.

Researchers found that 5 percent and 7 percent people out of 3,000 study subjects were allergic to that oxidized linalool. Eczema can lead to rashes, swelling, itching and cracking.
