Presence of a sister support mental and emotional health

Presence of a sister support mental and emotional healthRecent study has revealed that having sister has positive effect on mental health and overall personality. A recent study by psychologists at De Montfort University and the University of Ulster has revealed that sister provide emotional as well as mental support in time of crisis. Presence of sister in life gives optimistic outlook and feeling of support and love. Findings were based on the data collected from 571 families comprising brothers, sisters, a mixture of both and only children.

Children of either sex scored highly in standard tests for good mental health if they had sister. Researchers found that the mental health of only children was between those children with a sister and those with only brothers.

Liz Wright, research fellow at De Montfort, said the study began after a previous project showed that girls with sisters appeared to suffer less distress when they encountered trouble in their lives.

She added: "It seems their natural inclination was to express themselves, talk about the separation and encourage other family members to do so as well. It seems to help keep family relationships going. Their was markedly less distress in broken homes with a sister."