Health News

Poor team spirit ''raises risk of depression'' among employees

Work DepressionLondon, Apr 9: Difficult co-workers and awful working atmosphere leads to poor team spirit, which, in turn, increases the risk of developing depression by more than half, according to a Finnish study.

The study revealed that employees working in such atmosphere were 60 per cent more likely to be depressed, and
50 per cent more likely to use antidepressants.

Dr Marjo Sinokki, of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, said that such "psycho-social" factors as "team climate" could be used to predict mental health.

Enzyme therapy may slow deterioration of kidney function

Enzyme therapy may slow deterioration of kidney functionWashington, April 9 : Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with agalsidase alfa may slow deterioration of kidney function in men with Fabry disease, provided the treatment is started early, suggests a new study.

"The results provide further evidence that ERT with agalsidase alfa may slow the progression of kidney disease, provided that ERT is initiated early in the disease process," said Michael L. West, MD (Dalhousie University, Canada).

Chinese slimming capsules may cause insomnia, dyspnea

Chinese slimming capsules may cause insomnia, dyspneaWashington, April 9: Taking Chinese slimming capsules as herbal food supplements comes with health risks, says a new study.

According to pharmacologist Dieter Müller and his coauthors, poison emergency centers in the German cities of Freiburg and Göttingen have, since 2005, seen 17 patients suffering health problems after taking the pills.

Experts viewed an advertisement, which claimed the pill contained herbal substances and subsequently dubbed it as a food supplement.

High-dose radiation, chemo combo boosts survival in lung cancer patients

High-dose radiation, chemo combo boosts survival in lung cancer patientsWashington, Apr 9 : Researchers from University of Michigan have revealed that giving high doses of radiation along with chemotherapy can significantly improve survival in patients with stage III lung cancer.

The standard treatment for this stage of lung cancer - when the tumour is likely too large to be removed through surgery - involves a combination of radiation therapy with chemotherapy.

Soy may help treat canine cancer

Soy may help treat canine cancerWashington, Apr 9 : A new study from North Carolina State University has revealed that soy may help in treating canine cancers.

The research team led by Dr. Steven Suter, assistant professor of oncology sought to determine whether genistein - a molecule found in soy that has been shown to be toxic to a wide variety of cancer cells in humans - also inhibit the growth of canine lymphoma cells.

The study showed that a commercially available form of genistein called GCP was effective in killing canine lymphoid cells in a laboratory setting.

Soybean may help cut menopause effects

Soybean may help cut menopause effectsWashington, Apr 9: Soy aglycons of isoflavone (SAI), a group of soybean constituent chemicals, may help reduce menopause effects, say researchers.

The research, described in BioMed Central''s open access journal Nutrition & Metabolism, shows how dietary supplementation with SAI lowers cholesterol, increases the anti-oxidative properties of the liver and prevents degeneration of the vaginal lining.

Robin Chiou led a team of researchers from National Chiayi University, Taiwan, who studied the effects of the dietary supplement on a group of female rats that had undergone ovary removal.
