Health News

Combo inhaler may simplify asthma treatment

AsthmaWashington, Apr 15 : People with chronic asthma have been offered a new hope in the form of an inhaler that contains two medicines.

New tool to calculate bleeding risk in heart attack patients revealed

Heart AttackWashington, Apr 15 : By using eight clinical variables, scientists have found a new method, called the CRUSADE bleeding score, to estimate the risk of bleeding for a patient having a heart attack.

The bleeding-risk assessment tool, created by scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Duke University, could also help lessen the chances that heart attack patients will experience this common complication.

Novel vaccine to combat deadliest strain of E. coli developed

Novel vaccine to combat deadliest strain of E. coli developedWashington, Apr 15 : A Michigan University researcher has developed a new vaccine for one of the deadliest strain of E. coli bacteria that kills over two to three million children every year.

Enterotoxigenic E. Coli, (ETEC) is responsible for 60 percent to 70 percent of all E. coli diarrheal disease.

Wrist acupuncture can prevent nausea from anesthesia

Wrist acupuncture can prevent nausea from anesthesiaWashington, Apr 15 : A new study has found that wrist acupunture or acupressure can significantly reduce vomiting and nausea symptoms, which are generally experienced after surgery.

The researchers have found that by stimulating an acupoint called the Pericardium (P6) point in the patients'' wrists can help reduce these symptoms.

Lead researcher Anna Lee of the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at The Chinese University of Hong Kong revealed that stimulating the P6 point can occur by several methods such as acupuncture or acupressure.

Thrill-seekers enjoy a stronger placebo response than others

Thrill-seekers enjoy a stronger placebo response than othersLondon, April 15 : Thrilling concerts often leave heavy metal fans with headaches, but a sham medicine may be all that is needed to ease their pains.

Well, this suggestion is based on a study by McGill University researchers Montreal, Canada, which has shown that thrill-seekers enjoy a stronger placebo response than people with more restrained personalities.

Neuroscientist Petra Schweinhardt has revealed that this conclusion was arrived at after testing 22 male university students.

Male circumcision cuts HIV risk

HIVWashington, Apr 15 : Male circumcision reduces the risk of contracting HIV in heterosexual men, concludes a new study.

"Research on the effectiveness of male circumcision for preventing HIV in heterosexual men is conclusive. No further trials are required to establish that HIV infection rates are reduced in heterosexual men for at least the first two years after circumcision," says lead researcher Nandi Siegfried, Co-director of the South African Cochrane Centre at the South African Medical Research Council.
