Global Warming

Reducing green house emissions better than sinking them

global warmingCanberra, July 12 : A scientist has suggested that reducing green house emissions

"Plenty of problems" at EU environment meeting

Paris - "Plenty of problems" have emerged at an informal meeting of EU environment ministers in Paris, the spokeswoman for European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said Friday.

Gas used to make TV screens more harmful to environment than coal

Melbourne, July 4 : The rising production of television sets may worsen global warming because a greenhouse gas used for the purpose is more harmful than coal, warns a leading environmental scienti

Air travel in tropics causes more global warming than in temperate zones

London, July 3 : Planning to fly off to the tropics? Well, its time you reconsidered your holiday plans, for according to a new research, a typical flight there has a greater impact on global warming than a flight in temperate latitudes.

As well as producing carbon dioxide and contrails, planes also produce nitrogen oxide, which triggers both the creation of the warming gas ozone, and the destruction of another greenhouse gas, methane, according to the study.

According to Keith Shine of the University of Reading, UK, in mid-latitudes, the ozone and methane reactions cancel each other out and you get zero net warming from nitrogen oxide emissions, reports New Scientist.

Penguin decline sounds bell for potentially catastrophic changes in world’s oceans

Washington, July 1 : The rapid population declines among penguins are sounding the alarm for potentially catastrophic changes in the world’s oceans, with climate change, oil pollution, depletion of

Economists: Boost productivity ten-fold per carbon unit

global warmingWashington - A ten-fold increase in productivity per u
