French foreign minister to travel to conflict region

French foreign minister to travel to conflict region Paris  - French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Sunday will travel to Georgia in a bid to halt the fighting in South Ossetia as part of his country's role heading the European Union presidency.

Kouchner will be accompanied by Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb, who the head of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the EU presidency said in a statement on Paris on Saturday.

Delegations from the United States, European Union and OSCE were on the way to Tiblisi to discuss the fighting between Georgia and Russia.

France said "a continuation of the military action would have consequences on the relationship of the EU with Russia" and urged it to "observe the internationally recognized borders of Georgia." It welcomed Georgia's willingness for a ceasefire and said the EU "expects Russia would accept such a ceasefire immediately." (dpa)

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