Facebook related crime triples
It comes from a report of Nottinghamshire police that reveals that crimes entwining social networking site, Facebook has tripled when compared to previous year data.
As the reports suggest the crimes have multiplied to an alarming 346 percent within a years’ time, with harassment ranking top in widely reported crimes.
The data produced by the Nottinghamshire police states that during April 2008 and March 2009, they received 13 complaints which were accredited to the popular social networking site. The same figure rose to 58 during the period between April 2009 and February 2010.
Detective Sergeant Harry Parsonage commented in a statement, “For crime that involves communication, Facebook is just a method of communication.”
On the other hand Facebook officials stated in denial, “It is no surprise that Facebook is also mentioned in criminal reporting, especially since everyone knows that the police use Facebook as a tool.”
However the police authorities plead guilty of the extent of usage of the social networking platform in committing crimes at the same time expressed their awe in soaring rates of incidents and seek to get in to the depth of the matter.