Elisabeth Fritzl boots mom out of house

London, July 25 : Elisabeth Fritzl boots mom out of houseElisabeth Fritzl, the Austrian woman who was held as a captive by her father for 24 years, has chucked her own mother out of their new home, it has emerged.

The 42-year-old sex victim and her mum, Rosemarie, have been living with the six children Elisabeth was forced to have by rapist father Josef.

Elisabeth is reported to be angry that three of her cellar children who were raised "upstairs" with her father and Rosemarie still refer to her as "mother" rather than "grandmother", reports The Sun.

She is also livid that Rosemarie never stood up to Fritzl, who began raping her when she was 11.

And it has been reported that she is not convinced her mum knew nothing of the abuse Elisabeth suffered before vanishing.

Austrian newspapers claim she has now told the 69-year-old mother of seven to “stay away” from their villa in the grounds of a psychiatric clinic.

Rosemarie was said to be “shattered” after receiving her marching orders.

But cops are convinced that she knew nothing about Elisabeth’s ordeal.

Elisabeth was drugged and locked in a cellar under the family home by Fritzl when she was 18. He raped her over the next 24 years, making her have seven children.

The eldest three — Lisa, now 16, Monica, 14, and Alexander, 11 — were taken out of the dungeon by Fritzl to live in the house in Amstetten with Rosemarie.

Fritzl had told his wife that Elisabeth had run off to join a cult, but had returned to dump the kids, then fled again.

Three other children were kept in the dungeon with Elisabeth. Another died soon after birth and Fritzl burned the body in the boiler. (ANI)
