Buy Television Eighteen On Dips
Stock market analyst Anu Jain has maintained 'buy' rating on Television Eighteen (I) Ltd stock to achieve a target of Rs 102.
According to analyst, the interested investors can buy the stock on dips with strict stop loss of Rs 92.60.
The stock of the company, on Sep 03, closed at Rs 95.05 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
The share price has seen a 52-week high of Rs 108.56 and a low of Rs 71.30 on BSE.
Current EPS is -8.51.
For the three month period ended June 30, 2010, Television Eighteen (I) Ltd showed positive growth.
During April-June quarter, Television Eighteen Ltd has registered a profit of Rs 107.86 million as against a loss of Rs 224.07 million during the corrponding period of last year (2009).
For the quarter under review, the media company has recorded a growth of 11.5% in its sales, which stood at Rs 647.21 million.
The total income of the company during the quarter grew by 30.54% to Rs 876.41 million as against the prior year period.
Television Eighteen posted an EPS of Rs 0.59 (per share) during Apr-Jun quarter as against a loss of Rs 1.87 a share in like period of last year.