Bono top among Hollywood celebrity on America's 'Agents of Change' list
Washington, Mar 30 : Bono is the most important Hollywood celebrity when it comes to America's future, if the 'Agents of Change' list is to be believed.
The Rolling Stones magazine has enlisted 100 leaders, celebrities, writers, and thinkers who are considered to be crucial for America's future.
While Barack Obama leads the way with Google bosses Larry Page and Sergey Brin and Apple genius Steve Jobs taking the second and third spots, Bono is the top among the Hollywood celebrities and has acquired the fourth spot on the list, reports Contactmusic.
West came in seventh, M. I. A. 11th, and Lil Wayne 19th.
Politicians and environmentalists like Al Gore, comedienne Tina Fey, and moviemaker Judd Apatow have also made it to the top 20.
Indie rock band Arcade Fire rock band, at the 27th spot, were the top band on the new magazine list, ahead of Radiohead at the 30th spot and Nine Inch Nails at number 46. (ANI)