Bharat Electronics gets Rs 100 crore order; plans to spend Rs 570 on expansion
Navratna PSU Bharat Electronics Limited has secured an Rs 100 crore order to manufacture and supply 102,000 electronic voting machines for the forthcoming assembly elections in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Sikkim and Parliament elections in 2009.
BEL has dispatched the first batch of 5,000 EVM yesterday, while the rest order is scheduled to be supplied in the next two months
Presently, the company is making a capital expenditure of Rs 570 crore in the next two years ending March 2010 to modernize its manufacturing plants in the country, which is being done to prepare the company meet the requirements of the offset business.
The company plans to invest Rs 260 crore during the current financial year and Rs 360 crore during the next fiscal, a top company official stated.
The company likely to end the current financial year with an order book position of Rs 10,000 crore and targeting a turnover of Rs 4,800 crore this year, a growth of around 18% over the last fiscal.