ATF prices cut by 5%

The oil marketing companies have reduced the prices of ATF by 5 per cent. The ATF prices cut by 5% prices are reduced for second consecutive month and it is good news for the airlines of the country. It is now available in Mumbai for to Rs 58,479.37. But the airlines are not in a mood to reduce the airfares following this price reduction. They said in a joint statement that they are still under burden and the reduction would ease some of their burden.

The executive of Air India, Jitender Bhargava said that the current reduction is not enough to save bleeding airlines. There is no probability of lowering the air fairs in the near future. The companies are also facing the low load problem as numbers of customers are decreasing causing vacant of many seats. The executive of Jet Airways, Wolfgang Prock-Schauer also ruled out any possibility of reduction in the air fairs.

Jet Airways and Kingfisher Airlines had already announced that they would increase air fairs in the coming festival season due to high input cost and past burden on their balance sheets.