Ahmadinejad appoints first women to Iran cabinet since 1979

Iranian President Mahmoud AhmadinejadTehran  - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Sunday the appointment of at least two women in his new cabinet - the first female ministers in Iran since the Islamic revolution of 1979

Speaking on state television, the president said that the ministries of health and social welfare will have female ministers.

Ahmadinejad added that there might be a third female minister, but

did not disclose the ministry.

The president declined however to comment on local reports that chief nuclear negotiator Saeid Jalili had been appointed as new foreign minister to succeed Manouchehr Mottaki.

The full list of the cabinet is to be presented to the parliament on Wednesday for approval.

The Mehr news agency reported earlier Sunday that Jalili would be the most likely candidate for the foreign ministry post.

The two women are Fatemeh Ajorlou at social welfare and Marzieh Vahid-Dastjerdi at the health ministry.

Ahmadinejad further said that he has appointed the cleric Hojatoleslam Moslehi as information minister and head of intelligence service.

The ministers of cooperatives, economy and industries have been reinstated, the president added. (dpa)