3-year-old girl born without feet gets new companion, puppy born without one paw
The three-year-old girl born without feet got a new friend, a nine-week-old white German shepherd puppy born without one paw. Sapphyre Johnson and Lt. Dan are now best friends.
Sapphyre Johnson was born without fingers or feet and Lt. Dan, white German shepherd puppy, was born without one of his paws. According to mom Ashley Johnson mother of Sapphyre, it was love at first sight.
She instantly noticed that that his paw was missing and said he has a foot similar to her. The dog's breeder, Karen Riddle said he wants Lt. Dan to grow with a child living with similar situation.
"It was awesome yesterday. We said, 'Sapphyre show him your feet' and, oh boy, she threw off her prosthetics and her socks and said, 'Look!' Then Lt. Dan put his paw up at the exact same time", said Riddle.
She is a healthy little girl, apart from for her missing feet and fingers. Parents of Sapphyre wanted her to know that being different is ok. She is finally got to leave the hospital after three years. Riddle said that they are sure that they both will make various amazing memories together.
Sapphyre was born with only two fingers on each hand and one toe on each foot because of a congenital condition. Doctors took decision to amputate her feet as a baby so that the girl could finally walk with prosthetics. Family of the girl lives in Greeneville, Tennessee. Lt. Dan has been living with new family since Monday but he acts as if he's been there forever.