Women with Plumper Lips and Pout Look Younger, Research Indicates

Women with Plumper Lips and Pout Look Younger, Research IndicatesA new research has revealed that women who have fuller and firmer lips are perceived more years younger than they actually are. As discovered by Unilever scientist David Gunn, even with a few wrinkles and some grey hair, women with a plump pout can get away with taking many years off their age.

For the sake of study, over 250 women were analyzed, including set of twins, and it was discovered that thin lips are a genetic trait instead of a result of the environment. A large variation in the thickness of lips was found among women over the age of 60.

"When we identified people who looked young for their age, we were struck by the difference in their lips. It is a feature that is strongly genetically determined and relatively easy to measure", said researcher David Gunn.

The lips of both men and women reach their complete fullness in early adulthood, but then these start to thin over the ages of 30 and 40.

Details of the study and its findings have been published in the PLoS One journal.