Wear whatever you are comfortable with – Tapur Chatterjee

Tapur ChatterjeeQ. How would you define fashion? A. I think this question should be asked to designers. We are only models portraying their fashion. I personally feel that fashion is a creativity of a person which is appreciated by others.

Q. Where do you normally shop your clothes from? A. It depends, nothing as particular.

Q. Which brands do you prefer to buy? A. Like I told you, there is nothing as particular. I mean my dress brands are different while my perfume brands are different and so goes with the other things related to fashion.

Q. Do you often visit fashion shows? A. No, I rarely do.

Q. Who is your favourite fashion designer? A. There are a lot of them. I can't name any one.

Q. Which is the costliest outfit you have bought till date? A. It has to be one of my collections from an international designer because rest of the others gives them at a very reasonable price.

Q. Which is your favourite party wear? A. I would like to go with a jeans and a T-shirt.

Q. What do you generally dress up while relaxing at your home? A. It may be any dress, a short or something like that.

Q. Any particular colours you opt for while buying your clothes? A. No, I don't opt for any colours. Whatever I like at that point of time, I pick it up and being a fashion model, I am used to carry and promote things.

Q. Any fashion tip you would like to give to our readers? A. Wear whatever you are comfortable with. The dress which you personally feel that you can carry well would do and don't try to copy others.- Sampurn Media