Video Games – An Effective Way To Educate Kids!

Video Games – An Effective Way To Educate Kids!The policies that video games use can be helpful in educating kids at schools, claims James Gee.

Gee, the Mary Lou Fulton Presidential Chair in Literacy Studies in the Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education at Arizona State University, asserts parents should stop viewing videogames as being an obstacle to kids keeping up with their school assignments.

Gee stated, "Commercial video games, the ones that make a lot of money, are nothing but problem-solving spaces,"

Gee thinks that video games optimize knowledge in a number of ways.

Initially, games offer information when it is required, rather than all at once at the outset.

He said, "We tend to teach science, for example, by telling you a lot of stuff and then letting you do science. Games teach the other way. They have you do stuff, and then as you need to know information, they tell it to you."

Games also offer an atmosphere, which Gee calls "pleasantly frustrating." They are tricky but feasible.

He added, "That''s a very motivating state for human beings. Sometimes it''s called the ''flow'' state."

Several game makers also call players to amend their products via "modding."

The makers share the software and cheer players to generate new levels or scenarios.

Gee concluded, "Think about it. If I have to make the game, or a part of the game, I come to a deep understanding of the game as a rule system. If I had to mod science-that is, I had to make some of my own curriculum or my own experiments-then I''d have an understanding at a deep level of what the rules are." (With Input from Agencies)