UK’s politicisation of Litvinenko’s death case harming UK-Russia ties

Alexander LitvinenkoMoscow, Aug 15 : Russian ambassador to Great Britain Yury Fedotov has said that London’s efforts to politicise the “death” case of Alexander Litvinenko’s a former officer of the Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), had resulted in deterioration of UK-Russia relations.

“It is precisely the Litvinenko case, or primarily London''s efforts to politicize it that have resulted in a visible aggravation of Russian-British relations. Meanwhile, there is a practical way out of the present situation that has been tested in international legal practices,” he said in an interview with the Interfax.

He said that his country was ready to conduct its own investigation of the Litvinenko’s case if Britain stopped politicizing it and produced the necessary details.

Litvinenko, a former officer of the Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) who had lived in Britain since 2000, died in a London hospital in November 2006 as a result of poisoning from radioactive polonium.

“If British law enforcement produces relevant documents to the Russian Prosecutor General''s Office, the possibility of conducting a corresponding probe in Russia could be considered,” the Russian news agency quoted Fedotov as saying.

The high-ranking Russian diplomat further said: “We have experience of conducting such investigations. Meanwhile, Britain continues to insist that Russia expel its citizen thus pushing us to directly break the Constitution.”

The Russian ambassador also said that Russia had not got a “reasonable answer” about the expulsion of Chechen separatist emissary Akhmad Zakayev and business tycoon Boris Berezovsky.

London''s refusal to expel Chechen separatist emissary Akhmad Zakayev and business tycoon Boris Berezovsky is clouding the atmosphere of Russian-UK relations, Fedotov said. (ANI)