Twitter might be bought by Apple; rumors float

Apple and TwitterIt has being claimed by number of Technology bloggers that a $700 million buyout offer for Internet networking  and micro-blogging Web site Twitter might be considered by U.S. technology giant Apple Inc.

Though in past bloggers have been wrong, but at time they have also leaked correct information. It was confirmed by Blog site that it has been claimed by an anonymous source that Apple is in serious negotiations with Twitter.  Another major Technology blog Techcrunch has also hinted that Apple is serious about Twitter.

Furthermore, a lot of hype has been created in the blogoshpere with the rumor that Apple is applying efforts to buy the company, which turned down an offer from most popular social network Facebook Inc., last fall.

It should also be noted that quite recently, there were rumors of Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp. pursuing Twitter.  

It was confirmed by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone in early March that his company was just getting started and was mulling to build a strong, independent brand under Twitter Inc.  Twitter has been in the news for past 2 months for various reasons. Oprah Winfrey and many other celebrities use Twitter to connect to their fans.