Twitter joke pricey, costs job

Twitter joke pricey, costs jobThe infamous tweet that joked of blowing up Robin Hood airport was penalized with a fine of £385, plus £600 costs and also caused the writer to lose his job.

Paul Chambers, the causative person behind this ill joke, posted the tweet due to the winter's snow disrupting his travel plans.

He had said that if snow doesn't get cleared before he flies, "I'm blowing the airport sky high!"

This act led the police to arrest him under the Terrorism Act. Adding salt to the wound Mr Chambers was found guilty of sending a menacing message at Doncaster magistrates.

He now has a criminal record and has lost his job at a car distribution firm. The present scenario states that he is asking for an appeal and said, "Half of me just wants it to be over, the other half is indignant."