
February's new PC games offer all kinds of roles

February's new PC games offer all kinds of rolesHamburg  - Games bring out all kinds of traits in a person and this applies especially to computer and video games.

Sometimes, living virtually means taking on the role of a fighter for a good cause, becoming a warrior slaying a dragon to save a princess and other times it means conquering the world. On other occasions, it means shepherding a group of virtual people through their everyday existences and helping them realize their dreams.

Simple to use, but higher priced: 25 years of the Mac

Simple to use, but higher priced: 25 years of the MacCupertino, California - It was a historic event. On January 24, 1984, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh computer. The highlight was the machine's revolutionary graphical user interface.

"It allowed lay users to work with computers for the first time," explains Andreas Stolte from the Heinz Nixdorf Museums Forum in Paderborn, Germany. Yet, it was ultimately the PC and MS-DOS, and their successor Windows, that won the next battle in the operating system war, not the Mac.

Computer and internet briefs

Computer and internet briefsWashington  - Thinking about getting a new solid state disk (SSD) for your PC or notebook? SSDs give most PCs a significant performance boost, but without defragmenting the drives. SSDs store files differently than traditional hard drives, so defragmentation is unnecessary. In addition, defragging an SSD may actually reduce its life expectancy because writing and re-writing files to an SSD causes wear and tear.

Make Vista faster

Make Vista fasterWashington - Windows 7 - with its commendable performance improvements - may be on the horizon. But for now, most of us have to live with Windows Vista, which can make even the fastest computer seem slow.

But you don't have to put up with Vista's sluggishness without a fight. In fact, most of what ails Vista when it comes to performance can be remedied by adjusting some settings and eliminating some features.

And the good news: The whole process need not take more than half an hour. Afterwards, you'll be rewarded a computer that feels a lot faster.

---Turn off window animation.

The computer helper: Money-saving tips and tricks

The computer helper: Money-saving tips and tricksWashington  - Sure, using a computer costs money. Electricity, printing, paper, and Internet access aren't free. But they're probably closer to a necessity for you than an option.

So the challenge is to find ways to save money while continuing to reap the productivity benefits that computing affords. Read on for some ideas.

Q: I'm using the Balanced power saving feature of Windows Vista, but I would like to know more precisely how much energy I would actually save by switching to Power Saver mode or customising a power scheme.

Dutch internet search engine claims to offer total privacy

Dutch internet search engine claims to offer total privacyAmsterdam  - A Dutch company says it has developed the world's first internet search engine that guarantees users absolute privacy.

Ixquick (www. ixquick. com), established in 1998, is a so-called meta-search engine, which uses the search results of several search engines to provide its own list of results. The search is available in 17 languages.

"Ixquick is the first search engine that does not even store IP addresses temporarily," Ixquick CEO Robert Beens told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.
