Health News

Nightmares Dominate Sleep Of Women

Happy dreams as well as nightmares, represent the activity of sub-conscious brain, when Nightmares Dominate Sleep Of Womenhumans are asleep. A recent study has shown that women undergo a higher frequency of nightmares during sleep than  men. This study further showed that women remember their nightmares more vividly as compared to men. This study was conducted by researchers at the  University of the West of England, U.K.

Link Between Gum Disease And Heart Attacks Found

Disease-free gums can help in reducing risk of heart disease and stroke. Studies have shown a link between gum disease and increased chances of heart disease or a stroke. But the reason behind this association was not known. A recent research has discovered the possible reason link between gum disease and heart disease

Professor Greg Seymour said that a number of theories have been put forward to explain the link between oral infection and heart disease. Chronic infections have been associated with a disease that causes "furring" of the arteries, called atherosclerosis, which is the main cause of heart attacks.

Snake Poison Face Cream - Latest in Wrinkle Fight!

Wrinkles are symbol of old age. Sometimes wrinkles hide the youthful spirit of the person. Nobody likes to loose youthful look due to wrinkles. Various types of anti-wrinkle surgeries and treatment like cosmetic surgeries and Botox injections have developed from time to time. Treatment like Botox injections and other anti-wrinkle surgeries are painful as well as costly.

Planet Skincare has developed an anti-wrinkle face cream, which gives smooth skin without wrinkles. This cream is a boon for those people who want skin without wrinkles but can’t afford or desire a treatment like Botox injections and other anti-wrinkle surgeries

‘Venomous’ Skin Cream - A Bestseller!

Britain’s ‘The Telegraph’ newspaper recently carried an interesting report about an ‘Venomous’ Skin Cream - A Bestseller!anti-wrinkle face cream that has become a huge hit – surprisingly, it is ‘venomous as it is strikingly similar to the venom of an Asian snake.

Gwyneth Paltrow is reportedly a supporter of this ‘Planet Skincare’ daily moisturizer, the makers of which claim that the cream can actually ‘stuns’ the skin in the same way as a snake bite does, thereby resulting in facial smoothness.

High Risk Of Colon Cancer In Overweight Men

Research has established that overweight men - particularly those who gain weight during High Risk Of Colon Cancer In Overweight Menadulthood, and surprisingly even those who are not clinically overweight based on their BMI (Body Mass Index) - are in the ‘high risk’ zone when it comes to colon cancer.

Pollution Causes Obesity: New Research-Finding

As per findings of a new study, pollution is a factor that determines whether a child is fat Pollution Causes Obesity: New Research-Findingor not before he or she is born.  The research highlights: Exposure to common chemicals before birth, increases the chances that a baby becomes overweight or obese.
