Nightmares Dominate Sleep Of Women

Happy dreams as well as nightmares, represent the activity of sub-conscious brain, when Nightmares Dominate Sleep Of Womenhumans are asleep. A recent study has shown that women undergo a higher frequency of nightmares during sleep than  men. This study further showed that women remember their nightmares more vividly as compared to men. This study was conducted by researchers at the  University of the West of England, U.K.

Researchers analyzed the data collected from 170 volunteers. Recent dreams of the study subjects were recorded. Researchers classified the nightmares into three distinct types: being chased or hunted; loss of a parent, child or partner and weird and new environments.

Dream analysis of the study subjects showed that 30 percent of women had nightmares as compared to 19 percent of men. Researchers also found that dreams of women were more emotional as compared to men. Dreams were also better remembered by women.

Dr Jennie Parker, who carried out the study at the Bristol-based university, said that women reported significantly more nightmares than men.

Previous research has shown that women have more disturbed sleep as compared to men. Researchers have attributed disturbed sleep to changes in a woman's body temperature during her monthly cycle.

Dr Parker, a lecturer in psychology, said that it has been known for a long time that pre-menstrual women report more vivid and disturbing dreams.

She added that some women involved in the study reported dreams of very emotionally traumatic events such as the loss of a loved one. She explained that in terms of processing emotional information, women may be more prone to taking unresolved concerns into their sleep life.

Dr Chris Idzikowski, director of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre said that it is still not clear whether women actually have more nightmares or their retention power of dreams is better as compared to men.
