Health News

Surgery Is Not Beneficial For Arthritis Patients

In U.K, thousands of people suffer from osteoarthritis in knee, which can be Surgery Is Not Beneficial For Arthritis Patients    painful for the patients. Some of the UK surgeons were still carrying out the operation, against national guidance, which is not beneficial for the patients .New England Journal of medicine study showed surgeons were misguided who still relying on the operation technique.

According to a Canadian doctor, after surgery there is no difference in the symptoms of a patient. Physiotherapy and painkillers provide the same result.  

‘No. 1 Haryana’ Campaign Hit Hard By Mosquitoes

The ‘No. 1 Haryana’ campaign, which is currently being aired on cable networks ‘No. 1 Haryana’ Campaign Hit Hard By Mosquitoes

Diabetic Children Need Support And Social Care

An international survey conducted in 13 countries suggests that 9 out of 10 Diabetic Children Need Support And Social Carechildren with diabetes lack support at school. The number of diabetic children — even type 2 diabetes, has increased worldwide. Recent statistics show that more than 200 children develop diabetes every day in the world. The disease not only affects the children physically but also has severe mental, economic and social implications on the children as well as their parents.

80 Infants In Tribal MP Die Of Malnutrition

At least 80 malnurished infants have died in the tribal belts of Satna and 80 Infants In Tribal MP Die Of Malnutrition Khandwa districts of Madhya Pradesh. Though the BJP govt is refuting the charges by the NGOs working in these blocks a Unicef report suggests that “malnutrition could be one of the reasons”.

Broccoli – A Boon Against Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)!

COPD is a progressive lung condition, a bane of smokers and former smokers. It Broccoli – A Boon Against Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)!is characterized by emphysema and chronic bronchitis, leading to obstruction in air flow to the lungs. A recent research shows that a substance found in broccoli may limit the damage which leads to serious lung disease.

Whiff ‘lavender’, Overcome Dental Fears

A study conducted by the researchers at King’s College London has led them to yet another ‘goodness’ associated with the wonderful calming and soothing agent – lavender. Known for soothing headaches and aiding sleep, the scent of lavender is also effective in lowering anxiety levels of people visiting dentists, that too in a jiffy!

Researchers concluded that the 340 dental patients exposed to lavender oil scent immediately became less anxious about their treatment. The anxiety levels of these patients were practically measured by the way of a questionnaire handed over to them while they were awaiting their scheduled dental check-up.
