TAM suspends viewership ratings until December 19

TAM suspends viewership ratings until December 19Television Audience Measurement (TAM) viewership ratings have been suspended, across the country, until 19th of December, 2012.

TAM, the only television ratings service in India, decided to suspend ratings following an agreement with the Indian Broadcasting Foundation (IBF).

TV viewership ratings have been suspended as the deadline for cable digitization in New Delhi, Kolkatta, Mumbai and Chennai has been revised to November 1. After this date, all analog signals will be turned off in the four metropolitan cities.

The broadcasting industry fears that during the ongoing process of transition from analogue signals to digital signals, there could be discrepancies in TAM's viewwrship data.

TAM Media Research said in a statement, "The deferment of release of data during the `switchover' will ensure that TAM and all stakeholders have provided extended time for the on ground situation to stabilize into a digital phase."

TAM also confirmed that it would resume releasing viewership data from 19th of December this year.

The second phase of cable digitization in thirty-eight cities is set for April 1, 2013; while the date for digitization of the rest of India is slated for December 31, 2015.