Suicide attacks in Pakistan are not justified: Ulema

Lahore, PakistanLahore, Oct. 14 : The Muttehadda Ulema Council (MUC) has said in a unanimous decree (fatwa) that suicide attacks in Pakistan are haram and najaaiz.

According to sources, the meeting was held in Lahore and was attended by ulema from the Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat, Ahl-e-Tashee, Ahl-e-Hadees, and the Devbandi and Barelvi schools of thought.

The leader of the MUC, Sarfaraz Naeemi said the government is backing the suicide attackers for sabotaging the people’s movement.

According to The News, he demanded abolishment of the system of sood (interest) in Pakistan. (ANI)
