Study Presents inquiry into Urgent Mystery about Climate Change
A new study shows how climate change could be interpreted. The study is the first of its kind and has presented some really dramatic and difficult to assess data that was recently published in the influential Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Researchers during the study collected data from computerized climate change simulations, or model. By using the data, the researchers tried to find out how often climate change produced abruptly and disruptive changes in few decades.
The team found that out of 37 abrupt changes that were detected in these climate simulations, 18 of them occurred at time when the temperature level was less than 2 degrees Celsius warm.
The model used for the study as so far the best mathematically sophisticated simulacra that has helped scientists to get best physical understanding of how the Earth system and its components work.
The authors led by Sybren Drijfhout, a professor at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute stressed on the point that their study's findings represent a sign of how unstable the future could really be.
"It is likely that the Earth system will experience sharp regional transitions at moderate warming, although the prediction of any particular event has a very high uncertainty", they said.
Researchers from different institutes in Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and France helped in the study which has presented a big inquiry into mystery about climate change.