Study: Intake of dark chocolates helps in weight reduction

Study: Intake of dark chocolates helps in weight reduction Recent research has shown that eating dark chocolates can help in reducing weight. The study revealed that dark chocolates lower the cravings for sweet and fatty food. Moreover dark chocolates were found more satisfying than milk chocolates.

Researchers from Department of Human Nutrition at LIFE, University of Copenhagen studied data collected from16 young and healthy men of normal weight who all liked both dark and milk chocolate. The study subjects reported for two separate sessions, the first time testing the dark chocolate, and the second time the milk chocolate.

The study subjects were asked to fast for 12 hours before eating 100g of either dark or milk chocolate. The study subjects were asked to register their appetite every half hour, i.e. their hunger, satiety, craving for special foods and how they liked the chocolate for the next 5 hours.

Two and a half hours later study subjects were offered pizza and told to eat until they felt comfortably full. Then researchers registered the individuals’ calorie intake. Data analysis showed that those who had eaten the dark chocolate have eaten 15 percent less pizza. Study subjects accepted that consuming dark chocolate made their cravings less for sweet and fatty items.