Strange Bright Light in sky baffles people from San Diego to San Francisco

People from San Diego to San Francisco shared videos and photos of a strangely bright light in the skies online, on Saturday night. People wondered whether it was a UFO, a comet of a part of the Taurid meteor shower or what? But, the explanation came out to be quite simple. The light had originated from a planned test firing of Trident SLBM missile. The missile was test fired by a submarine close to Point Mugu.

A Navy Spokesman, Cmdr. Ryan Perry, said that such launches are carried out often to ensure continuing reliability of the systems and information on the tests are classified till the execution of the tests. Even people living at far off places such as Nevada and Arizona were able to see the light.

However, something related to the guesses linked to the event Taurid meteor shower will take place for real during this week. In fact bright fireballs sill is going to be on peak during the week in the night sky across the globe.

The year 2015, is particularly a good year for seeing the Taurids as the peak of the event is also going to coincide with a new moon that will occur between the night of November 11 and 12. On account of the new moon, the light pollution also will be less, in check and thus the shooting stars will look brighter than they could be at the time of other phases of the moon.