‘Sexy’ Beyonce promotes hedonism, says Malay party

Kuala Lumpur, September 24 : A Malay conservative party has slammed Beyonce Knowles’ upcoming concert in the country, saying the singer promotes hedonism with her ‘sexy image’.

Ahmad Sabki, Pas Youth’s vice-chief, said they were opposed to Western entertainment such as that of the R&B lady, known for her sexy attire and seductive dancing, in Malaysia.

"We know that these groups are not suitable for our Malaysian culture. Their appearance and attire are against our Eastern identity," the New Straits Times Online quoted him as saying.

Sabki also said that even if the star, who is expected to perform in the country as part of her "Beyonce I Am ..." world tour, wore a jubah (Muslim attire), her "sexy image" could not be undone.

He added: "We are against Western entertainment that promotes hedonism. We do not want our youths to be misled.

"We have in the past objected to Indonesian dangdut artiste Inul Daratista performing in Malaysia as she is also well known for her sexy gyrations." (ANI)