Russia's Lukoil interested in share in Czech refiner

Lukoil LogoPrague - Russia's largest oil producer Lukoil would like to buy into a Czech refinery, the business daily Hospodarske Noviny reported Friday, citing Lukoil president Vagit Alekperov.

Lukoil, which already owns a chain of 44 petrol stations in the Czech Republic, was especially interested in a share in Ceska Rafinerska, the country's largest crude processing firm.

"We would be satisfied with 16 per cent," the Hospodarske Noviny business daily cited Alekperov as saying.

Alekperov said the move would bring in a shareholder who "manages real oil supply, moreover in Russia which is linked to the Czech Republic by a pipeline."

The Czech Republic, a former Soviet satellite which would like to further diversify its energy sources to reduce dependence on Russia, has been reluctant to let Russian firms into its energy sector.

Ceska Rafinerska's majority shareholder is the PKN Orlen-owned petrochemical group Unipetrol, which holds 51.23 per cent. Eni International BV follows with 32.44 per cent and Shell Overseas Investment BV owns a 16.33-per-cent stake. (dpa)
