Royal Dirkzwager picks Progress Software solutions

Royal Dirkzwager picks Progress Software solutionsThe maker of business application infrastructure software – Progress Software Corporation yesterday announced that its Progress Software solutions have been chosen by a Dutch Maritime Information and Service provider. The Bedford, Massachusetts based American Software Company stated that Royal Dirkzwager has picked its Progress Software solutions to "automate the monitoring and analysis of real-time shipping information that tracks the arrival of cargo ships to ports around the world."

According to Progress Software, the Progress Software solution will help “optimizing the complex maritime logistics and fetching an unprecedented level of accuracy into the process”. The Progress Software solution will provide Royal Dirkzwager “instant access to information that it can immediately act on”.

In its press release, Progress Software stated the implementation of the Progress Software solution has "the potential to save millions of dollars to the industry in fuel costs and timely delivery of goods”.

Since 1872, Royal Dirkzwager has been using traditional methods, to monitor and forecast shipping arrival times in and around the port of Rotterdam and to track the journeys and location of vessels, in North West Europe.

Paul Wieland, Manager Maritime & Logistics ICT of Royal Dirkzwager, said, "Using the Progress Sonic ESB, we will be able to handle the huge increase in messages created by the satellite tracking systems. The ESB software can be integrated easily into and can talk to our many disparate IT systems seamlessly. The Progress Apama CEP platform will allow us to monitor and analyze event patterns and deliver real-time information rather than just raw data to our customers."

Dr. Giles Nelson, Senior Director, Strategy at Progress Software, said, "The use of CEP to handle such a large amount of data and provide real-time, tangible benefits to the shipping community is an innovative and exciting use of our technology. This is a great example of the transportation and logistics sector using our best-in-class technology to transform their customer offering and having a significant impact to the effectiveness of its operations."

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