United States

Genetic material may hold key to HIV’s ability to hide, evade drugs

Two receptors that prevent spread of colon cancer identified

Washington, October 1 : A team of researchers at IRB Barcelona have identified two special surface receptors that prevent the spread of colon cancer.

Eduard Batlle, ICREA researcher and head of IRB Barcelona’s Oncology Programme, says that the benign tumour cells called adenomas—the formation of which is the first step in the development of colon cancer—have special surface receptors called EphB2 and EphB3, which detect the presence of certain ligands in the healthy tissue that surround them.

Androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer may encourage spread of disease

Washington, October 1 : Johns Hopkins researchers say that a popular prostate cancer treatment called androgen deprivation therapy may encourage prostate cancer cells to produce a protein that makes them more likely to spread throughout the body.

Excess childhood TV viewing may lead to behavioural problems

Washington, Oct 1 : Young children who spend two or more hours a day in front of the idiot box are at an increased risk of developing behavioural problems and poor social skill, warn researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

The finding is based on an analysis of data for 2,707 children between 2.5 to 5.5 years of age collected from the Healthy Steps for Young Children national evaluation by the researchers.

The heart is its own best healer

Washington, October 1 : Researchers in Bristol have found that hearts may develop innate protection against further damage after coronary disease.

However, the same study has also shown that western-style high fat diets can significantly weaken this internal defence of the organ.

Study identifies the best weight-loss plans for heart health

Washington, Oct 1 : A new research from the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) has identified weight-loss plans that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Particularly, they researchers found that the Ornish, Weight Watchers High Carbohydrate and New Glucose Revolution plans scored highest when measured by the Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI), that is proven to be a strong predictor of cardiovascular disease.

The AHEI is a measure that isolates dietary components that are most strongly linked to cardiovascular disease risk reduction.
