United States

German researchers discover fluorescent-red glowing fish

German researchers discover fluorescent-red glowing fishWashington, Sept 16 : Certain fish are capable of glowing red, German researchers have reported in the new BMC Ecology research that includes striking images of fish fluorescing vivid red light.

Due to absorption of ''red'' wavelengths of sunlight by sea-water, objects which look red under normal conditions appear grey or black at depths below 10m.

The effect has contributed to the belief among marine biologists that red colours are of no importance to fish.

Sarah Palin finds Tina Fey’s impression of her ‘quite funny

Sarah Palin finds Tina Fey’s impression of her ‘quite funny’Washington, Sept 16 : Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was laughing with the rest of America when star Tina Fey returned to “Saturday Night Live” for the NBC show’s season premiere, where she portrayed the vice president hopeful.

The Alaska governor was amused by ‘30 Rock’ star’s impression of her, especially as she once dressed up as Fey for Halloween.

The nine-question test to tell if you’re a shopaholic

Washington, Sept 16 : Shopping may work as a stress-buster for many, but the compulsive habit can ruin lives. Now, to overcome the possibility, researchers have developed a new test that identifies shopaholics.

Nancy M. Ridgway, Monika Kukar-Kinney (both University of Richmond), and Kent B. Monroe (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and University of Richmond) have developed a new scale, which consists of just nine questions, for measuring compulsive buying.

The researchers believe that the scale does a better job than previous measures of identifying the number of people who engage in compulsive shopping.

UK doesn’t support US’ unilateral strikes in Pak

Lahore, Sept 16 : UK Secretary for Justice Jack Straw has reportedly told Pakistan that his country doesn’t support the recent US’ unilateral strikes inside Pakistan’s territory from across Afghan border.

In a meeting with Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif in Lahore, Straw reiterated the UK’s commitment to stop cross-border movement of terrorists and attacks by US led forces in Pakistan, reported the Daily Times.

Straw’s statement was in contrast with an earlier statement by UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown backing US incursions into Pakistan.

Pak’s “inability, unwillingness” to strike terrorists necessitated US’ unilateral strikes

Washington, Sept 16 : The US has increase strikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas after being convinced over the past six years that the Pakistan Army was neither able nor willing to fight the Taliban and Al Qaeda and because some in its intelligence agency were sympathetic towards the extremists.

New software that can turn bathroom singers into Radiohead!

Washington, September 16 : Two University of Southern California researchers have written a piece of software that can help create a musical accompaniment in the style of any chosen artist, or even the particular style used in select pieces by the artist.

Elaine Chew, an accomplished pianist and professor at the USC Viterbi School Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and graduate student Ching-Hua Chuan have revealed that they started developing the system called ASSA (Automatic Style Specific Accompaniment) two years ago.
