United States

Fear gene behind ‘helicopter mom’ behaviour identified

Washington, September 16 : Experiments on mice conducted by Rutgers geneticists have unveiled a gene that promotes “helicopter mom” behaviour in the animal.

Research leader Gleb Shumyatsky, an assistant professor of genetics in the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers, says that the gene called stathmin, or oncoprotein 18, motivates female animals to protect newborn pups and interact cautiously with unknown peers.

The researcher has revealed that the "fear gene" is highly concentrated in the amygdala, a key region of the brain that deals with fear and anxiety.

French shares limit damage after New York stock debacle

French shares limit damage after New York stock debacleParis - The day after Wall Street posted its worst loss since 2001, French shares were down only moderately on Tuesday, with bank stocks again leading the losers.

One hour after the opening of the Paris Bourse, shares in its benchmark CAC 40 were down 1.39 per cent, to stand at 4,111.06.

Belgian bank Dexia, which owns 500 million euros (709 million dollars) in unsecured bonds of the bankrupt US investment bank Lehman Brothers, led the way down, losing nearly 5 per cent of its value.

German finance minister calls for calm as Frankfurt falls again

Berlin - German Finance Minister Peer SteinbrueckGerman Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck called for calm Tuesday, although he acknowledged a "very difficult and serious situation" on world financial markets.

Germany's DAX index of the leading 30 shares declined 1.6 per cent on opening to fall to 5,970, following Asian markets into negative territory.

Speaking ahead of the start of the 2009 budget debates in the German lower house of parliament, Steinbrueck insisted the effects of the financial crisis on the German real economy would be "limited."

Barack Obama Camp denies that it sought to delay Iraq troop withdrawal pact

Barack ObamaNew York, Sept. 16: The Obama Campaign has denied a New York Post report that said he privately tried to persuade Iraqi political leaders to stall an agreement on scaling back American troops in Iraq while publicly campaigning for a speedy withdrawal.

Barclays in talks to buy up parts of Lehman Brothers

London - Britain's Barclays bank is in talks to buy up some parts of the collapsed Lehman Brothers empire, the bank said Tuesday.

Presidential race: Obama and McCain even

Washington, Sept. 16 :Presidential race: Obama and McCain even John McCain and Barack Obama have 50 days left to determine who among them will be the United States’ 44th President.

Heading into the frenzied final weeks, national polls remain essentially even.

If the trends are to be believed, the numbers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, New Hampshire and Virginia will be crucial to who will win and who will lose the election, reports the New York Daily News.
