
Spanish carrier Futura to resume flights after declaring bankruptcy

Spanish carrier Futura to resume flights after declaring bankruptcy Madrid  - The Spanish charter carrier Futura International Airways was to resume flights Monday after suspending them for 24 hours on seeking bankruptcy protection, trade union sources said.

Representatives of management and employees were meeting in Palma de Majorca, where one of Europe's biggest independent charter airlines has its headquarters.

Futura could continue its activity despite having sought creditor protection, Alejandro Juarez of the trade union CCOO said.

More families to seek damages from Boeing after Madrid air crash

Madrid - More families of victims of the August 20 air crash in Madrid will seek damages from Boeing, two US law firms announced Monday.

Boeing subsidiary McDonnell Douglas manufactured the Spanair MD-82 jet that crashed off the runway after take-off, killing 154 and injuring 18 people.

The Gallagher Law Firm and Matthews & Associates said they would represent several families affected by the crash. The companies were expected to give more details on Tuesday.

Another US law firm announced last week it was seeking damages on behalf of three families which lost seven members in the accident.

The complaint was filed in the US state of Illinois where Boeing has its headquarters.

More arrests in Spain as migrants riot for second night

Spain's gastronomy revolution turns food into art

Spain's gastronomy revolution turns food into art

Spain's gastronomy revolution turns food into artMadrid ­ For the affluent gourmets dining at Spain's top restaurants, a sugar ball flavoured with smoked oak might constitute a nice little novelty.

Tobacco ice cream might also make the bill of nearly 200 euros (290 dollars) worth it, as would lamb tail cooked in ravioli, a deconstructed omelette or liquid croquettes.

Playful, surprising and provocative meals are dished up by avant- garde chefs in a country whose haute cuisine has risen to compete with that of France.

Catholic Church criticizes Spain for plans to liberalize abortion

Santiago de Compostela, Spain  - The Catholic Church on Friday criticized Spain's Socialist government for its plans to liberalize the country's abortion law.

Cardinal William Joseph Levada, who serves as prefect of the Vatican's Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, said the government's announcement "saddened" him.

"It is a sign that the vision of created life, the precious dignity of every person that begins with conception, is not the basis of such a project," said the Vatican official, who was attending a theology meeting in the northern Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela.

Former Spanish premier Aznar denies fathering Dati's child

Jose Maria Aznar Madrid - Former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar has denied rumours that he is the father of the child expected by French Justice Minister Rachida Dati, Spanish media reported Thursday.

The rumour was a "total and complete falsehood," Aznar said in a communique.

Aznar said he had instructed his lawyers to take immediate legal action against anyone spreading false information.

A Moroccan internet publication had linked Aznar with the pregnancy of Dati, 42, who is unmarried.
