
Serb admiral behind Dubrovnik shelling freed

UN LogoThe Hague - The former vice-admiral of the Yugoslav Navy responsible for the shelling of the historic city of Dubrovnik has been released after serving most of his sentence for war crimes, the UN war crimes tribunal said Tuesday.

Court president of the UN's International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Fausto Pocar, announced in The Hague on Tuesday that Miodrag Jokic, 72, had on July 24 served two-thirds of his seven-year sentence for the destruction of Dubrovink and was being released in consideration of good conduct.

Serbia and Alpine-Porr set to terminate major highway deal

Belgrade  - The Serbian government was due Thursday to discuss a proposal by an Austrian consortium to terminate a major highway construction deal.

Salzburg-based Parr and Vienna-based Alpine last year won a 1.1 billion euros (1.61 billion dollars) contract to build a 320- kilometre highway from Serbia's border with Hungary to Pozega in the southwest of the country.

The deal-included a 25-year concession to Alipne and Porr, during which they would recoup their investment from fees levied on traffic using the road.

Hague court indicts former spokesman for contempt

International Criminal Court Amsterdam  - The International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague released a statement on Wednesday saying it held a former spokesman of the ICTY-prosecution office in contempt of court.

Florence Hartmann, described by the ICTY as "a one-time spokesperson of a former tribunal prosecutor" has been summoned to appear before the tribunal.

In the statement, the ICTY wrote that Hartmann was summoned "for knowingly and willfully disclosing information in knowing violation of an order of a chamber."

Balkan war crimes trial opens in Norway

Oslo - A Norwegian of Bosnian descent went on trial in Oslo Wednesday, accused of torture and other crimes against Serbian civilians during the Balkans war.

Mirsad Repak, 41, pleaded not guilty to the charges, which date back to 1992 before he fled to Norway and was granted Norwegian nationality.

Charges were brought against him on the basis of information provided by Bosnian authorities.

Repak's lawyer called for the case to be dropped on the grounds that it was based on a section of the penal code that did not come into force until after the crimes were committed.

Defence lawyer Heidi Bache-Wiig said it was not permissible to apply laws in a back-dated manner.

Serbian NGOs protest against the withdrawal of Jewel of Medina

Sherry JonesBelgrade - Several Serbian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) protested on Tuesday against the withdrawal from sale of the controversial book, Jewel of Medina, written by American author Sherry Jones.

Publisher Beobook last week pulled the book from the shelves following protests by the Islamic community and Muslim party in Serbia.

"Islamic community in Serbia cannot order what one can read," a statement signed by eight NGOs said.

Serbia explosives factory blast injures ten

Belgrade  - Around 10 people were injured in an explosion in an ammunition factory in the central Serbian town of Krusevac, local media reported on Tuesday.
