
Russia continues to bomb Georgia, EU mediators want ceasefire

Moscow/Tiblisi, Georgia  - Fighting continued overnight to Monday in Tiblisi, despite attempts by western mediators to end the conflict between Georgia and Russia and calling for an immediate ceasefire by all parties.

Two explosions were heard overnight in the capital Tiblisi, according to Georgia's Interior Ministry. Two military bases were also bombarded by Russian fighter planes, though no details were available.

Russian troops were in control of the South Ossetia capital Tskhinval and there were reports of relative calm on Monday after three days of continuous bombings, according to Interfax news agency.

US president "very firm" with Russia over Georgia conflict

US President George W BushBeijing  - US President George W Bush on Monday said he had taken a "very firm" line with Russian leaders over the "unacceptable" violence in Georgia.

"I said this violence is unacceptable - I not only said it to (Russian Prime Minister) Vladimir Putin, I've said it to the president of the country, Dmitry Medvedev," Bush told US broadcaster NBC when asked about the conflict.

Bush said his government was trying to broker a cease-fire and a return to the military status quo of August 6.

Russia continues air raids despite Georgia’s withdrawal from South Ossetia

Moscow, Aug 11, : Despite its withdrawal from South Ossetia, Georgia insists that Russia has continued air raids deep inside its territory, including its Capital Tbilisi and along its coastline. Moscow, on the other hand, rejected Tbilisi’s announcement that it had called a ceasefire and wanted talks.

Jets bombed targets near Tbilisi, including the airport, and Russia said its warships had sunk a Georgian boat that approached and tried to attack, the BBC reported.

The airport was hit only a few hours before French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb arrived on a peace mission.

European mediators present plan to end Georgia-Russia conflict

Moscow/Tiblisi, Georgia  - The first western mediators in Tiblisi to work for an end to the conflict between Georgia and Russia late Sunday called for an immediate ceasefire by all parties.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, whose nation hold the rotating EU presidency, and Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb, head of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), met with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

The next step would be for all the wounded to be treated during a ceasefire, Kouchner said.

More Russian airstrikes, naval blockade against Georgia

More Russian airstrikes, naval blockade against GeorgiaMoscow/Tbilisi - Russia on Sunday intensified airstrikes and a naval blockade against Georgia, as international diplomats sought ways to bring a ceasefire to the Caucasus province South Ossetia.

Three Russian air force Su-25 bombers struck an airfield adjacent to a military aircaft factory outside the Georgian capital Tbilisi shortly after dawn, causing damage but inflicting no casualties, a senior Georgian official said.

Georgia withdraws its forces from South Ossetia

Georgia withdraws its forces from South OssetiaMoscow, Aug 10: Georgia has reportedly withdrawn its forces from the separatist region of South Ossetia to positions at or south of those held when conflict started earlier this week.

According to an Interior Ministry spokesman, Russian troops had not entered Georgia from South Ossetia, but fighting was continuing, as reported by BBC.

As many as 2,000 people may have been killed and 30,000 made homeless as the chaotic conflict between Georgian and Russian forces in the pro-Moscow enclave of South Ossetia entered its second bloody day on Saturday.
