
Rights watchdog says Russia fired cluster bombs on Georgians

Rights watchdog says Russia fired cluster bombs on GeorgiansLondon, Aug. 16 : Human Rights Watch (HRW) officials have claimed that they have evidence of Russia using cluster bombs against civilian targets and infrastructure in Georgia.

Citing eyewitness accounts, as well as video and photographic evidence, the HRW officials said that Russian aircraft dropped RBK-250 cluster bombs, each containing 30 PTAB 2.5M submunitions, on the town of Ruisi in the Kareli district of Georgia on Tuesday.

Russian ambassador calls for better understanding for Moscow

Russia & Germany FlagBerlin - The Russian ambassador in Germany, Vladimir Kotenev, called for more international understanding for Moscow on Friday, saying that problems such as terrorism should only be solved "with Russia, not against Russia."

Speaking in an interview with German Deutschlandradio and other German media, he said: "What we appreciate in the relations with our German partners is the confidence and the commitment to listen to each other," he said.

"Of course this does not mean that we are always of the same opinion," he added.

Medvedev against "dramatizing" US missile shield in Europe

Dimitry MedvedevSochi, Russia - Russian President Dimitry Medvedev Friday described Poland's decision to go ahead with the stationing of parts of a US anti-missile shield on its territory as "sad for Europe," but simultaneously spoke out against "dramatizing" the conflict.

Following talks on the situation in Georgia with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Medvedev said further talks were needed.

The decision taken Thursday by Poland, and earlier by the Czech Republic, to host elements of the US shield, "has the Russian Federation as its target," Medvedev said.

UK’s politicisation of Litvinenko’s death case harming UK-Russia ties

Alexander LitvinenkoMoscow, Aug 15 : Russian ambassador to Great Britain Yury Fedotov has said that London’s efforts to politicise the “death” case of Alexander Litvinenko’s a former officer of the Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), had resulted in deterioration of UK-Russia relations.

“It is precisely the Litvinenko case, or primarily London''s efforts to politicize it that have resulted in a visible aggravation of Russian-British relations. Meanwhile, there is a practical way out of the present situation that has been tested in international legal practices,” he said in an interview with the Interfax.

Russian offensive has forced reassessment of US dealings with Moscow

Washington, Aug 15 : Russia’s military offensive into Georgia has jolted Washington’s relationship with Moscow, senior Bush Administration officials have said.

The offensive has forced a wholesale reassessment of American dealings with Russia and jeopardizing talks on everything from halting Iran’s nuclear ambitions to reducing strategic arsenals to cooperation on missiles defences

Even as the conflict between Russia and Georgia appeared to ease on Thursday, Secretary of Defence Robert M. Gates said the Russian attack had forced a fundamental rethinking of the administration’s effort to forge “an ongoing and long-term strategic dialogue with Russia.”

US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to visit Georgia, Russians not moving

Tbilisi - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was en route to Tbilisi on Friday, as Russia's military continued to occupy two Georgian provinces despite a ceasefire agreement obliging them to leave.

Rice was set to meet with members of the Georgian leadership to discuss the implementation of a ceasefire plan for the region, and humanitarian aid to Georgia being delivered by the US Air Force and Navy.

US President George W. Bush's decision to send Georgia support aboard US military aircraft and warships has turned the Ossetia conflict into an clear face-off between the Kremlin and Washington, despite claims by both sides they only want peace in the region.
