
Russia criticizes Nobel award for Ahtisaari

Nobel PrizeMoscow  - Russian diplomats and politicians on Friday slammed the award of the Nobel Prize to ex-Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari as an ill-veiled political ploy to justify Kosovo's independence.

Ahtisaari, who won the honour for "more than three decades" of peace brokering, the committee said, is persona non grata in Russia for advocating Kosovo's independence from Serbia in his post as UN envoy to the region from 2005.

EU, US suspect Iran getting nuke aid from Russia

Iran, Tehran, NuclearParis, Oct. 10 : International nuclear inspectors are investigating whether a Russian scientist helped Iran conduct complex experiments on how to detonate a nuclear weapon, The Telegraph quotes European and American officials, as saying.

EU confirms Russian withdrawal from Georgian buffer zones

Russia Moscow MapBrussels  - The European Union's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, confirmed Friday that Russia has withdrawn its troops from Georgia's buffer zones, in accordance with an international deal.

"I am happy to announce that EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) patrols have confirmed that Russian armed forces have completed their planned withdrawal from the areas adjacent to Abkhazia and South Ossetia," Solana said in a statement.

Russian cross-country ski Olympic champion Prokurorov dies

Moscow - Cross-country skiing Olympic champion Alexei Prokurorov of Russia died on Friday in a traffic accident, police said. He was 44 years old.

Moscow's bourses in trading freeze

Moscow - Russia's market authorities still had not opened the MICEX and RTS exchanges for trading Friday afternoon after US stocks tumbled to five-year lows and world markets sank on fears of a recession.

The Federal Financial Markets Service said Friday it suspended trade indefinitely on both indexes "in view of dramatic breakdowns on stock exchanges in Europe, Asia and the United States."

Moscow's bourses have been assailed not only by the global financial crisis, but undercut by their reliance on energy commodities, with the drop in oil prices and a war with Georgia two months ago that spooked risk-averse investors.

UN Security Council extends mandate of mission in Caucasus

UN Security Council extends mandate of mission in Caucasus New York - The UN Security Council on Thursday extended its former UN military observer mission in Georgia for just four months rather than a longer period because of the unsettled Russian-Georgian conflict in that country in August.

The mission's new mandate will expire in mid-February. Its 153 military observers were caught in the fighting between Russia and Georgian troops and had to be evacuated in August from their posts in the Kodori Valley that separates breakaway Abkhazia and the Tbilisi government.
