
Ex-police chief accused of being part of Princess Diana’s murder plot

London, Jan 18: Princess DianaBritain’s former top police officer has been accused of

An X-ray vision gun may soon be a reality

London, January 17 : Technologists have invented a new hand-held X-ray scanner, which they believe may revolutionise police work and Customs searches by giving officers the superhero power to see through walls.

The LEXID X-ray scanner may allow officers to seek out contraband, weapons, bombs or hidden people, say inventors.

Rick Shie, senior vice-president of its American inventors, Physical Optics Corporation, has revealed that sends out low-level X-rays that get collected in a lens based on the design of a lobster's eye.

It may be noted that lobsters' eyes, which are able to see in deep, murky water, use thousands of tiny squares to focus by reflection rather than the bending or refraction of light like human eyes.

UK PM Gordon Brown to visit China and India

British Prime Minister Gordon BrownLondon, Jan.

33pct stunting, 25pct deaths among under 3s in poor nations could be prevented

London, Jan 17: About one-third cases of stunting, and deaths by up to a quarter among under 3s in poor countries could be averted with existing interventions, say researchers.

Peanut shaped comet most likely result of fusion after collision

London, Jan 16: Peanut Shaped CometAstronomers have used new radar observations

‘Chimps cannot be considered people’, rules Austrian court

ChimpanzeeLondon, Jan 16: An Austrian animal rights group’s hopes to have a chimpanzee declared a per
