
An hour’s lie-in on Mondays can reduce heart attack risk

London, Nov 2 : An hour''''s lie-in on Monday mornings can help cut the risk of having a heart attack, suggests a new study.

According to boffins, Mondays are a peak time for heart attacks due to the stress of the morning commute, the first workday of the week and fatigue from the weekend.

To reach the conclusion, the research team examined the number of heart attacks suffered in the week after the Spring and Autumn clock changes, compared to the same days of the week at other times.

After analysing, the research team found that the number of heart attacks increased in the days after the clocks went back in the Spring and decreased slightly on the Monday following the Autumn change when the clocks go forward by an hour.

Paris Hilton says men used her for fame and sex

Paris HiltonLondon, Nov 2 : Paris Hilton has admitted that all men in her life used her for fame and sex.

The hotel heiress broke her silence to condemn the pesky string of her exes.

"Every other guy I''ve been out with has used me for money or sex - but in most cases they just want fame. It made it hard to trust people,” News of the World quoted her, as saying.

Topping her treachery hitlist is ex-beau Rick Salomon, the small-time film producer, who made millions selling the infamous home-made sex tape of Hiton, which was originally leaked on the internet.

‘Significant discovery’ may pave way for child brain tumour cure

Brain-tumourLondon, Nov 2 : A ‘significant discovery’ by researchers at Cambridge University could help cure deadly brain tumours in kids, according to a new study.

The researchers have pinpointed a rearrangement of DNA present in around two-thirds of all cases of the most common brain tumours in five to 19-year-olds.

The most common type of brain tumour is pilocytic astrocytomas.

According to the researchers, the discovery could pave the way for creating better treatments and make diagnosis more accurate.

80 pc Brits want to see Obama as next US Prez

London, Nov 2 : A new poll in the UK has revealed that around 80 percent of the Britishers want Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama to win the race for the White House.

Also, they believe that Obama, who looks certain to be America’s first black president, will make the world a safer place than his Republican rival John McCain, and that the risk of future wars and other global threats will be reduced if Obama becomes leader of the free world, The Mirror quoted the findings of the Sunday Mirror/ICM poll as saying.

Women told to limit coffee intake to two cups a day during pregnancy

London, Nov 2 : Expecting mums will be warned not to drink more than two cups of coffee a day or risk giving birth to underweight babies, according to a health watchdog.

The British Government''s food standards watchdog will this week issue the guidance advising women to limit caffeine consumption to 200mg a day, a third less than the previous recommended limit of 300mg.

The warning follows a US study earlier this year that linked caffeine consumption to a higher rate of miscarriages.

The advice from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) comes a week after scientists found that a weekly glass of wine during pregnancy could help improve a baby''s behaviour and vocabulary.

Slumdog Millionaire marks a perfect adieu at the London Film Festival

Slumdog Millionaire marks a perfect adieu at the London Film Festival
