
Omar Abdullah seeks EU''s cooperation to increase employability

Omar Abdullah seeks EU''s cooperation to increase employabilitySrinagar, Mar 1: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has sought the cooperation of the European Union (EU) to address the increasing unemployment problem in this state.

Abdullah, who held talks with a delegation of the European Commission led by Daniele Smadja on Saturday, asked for a closer partnership with the union in the development of Small and Medium Entreprises sector in the state.

Veterinary students in Kashmir taught how to tranquilize wild animals

Veterinary students in Kashmir taught how to tranquilize wild animalsSrinagar, Feb 28 : The Sheri Kashmir University of Agriculture Sciences and Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K) in collaboration with the Jammu and Kashmir's Department of Wildlife Protection and the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), organized a practical workshop for veterinary students from across the country and taught them how to tranquilize wild animals such as leopards.

Veterinary students from across the country participated in the workshop.

Srinagar situation continues to be tense

Srinagar situation continues to be tenseSrinagar, Feb 27 : A curfew-like situation prevailed in Srinagar over the killing of two Muslim youth, allegedly by the army.

The streets wore a deserted look in Srinagar. The shops, business establishments and other offices were closed.

Security personnel were on guard in almost every part of the city.

Residents said that they had literally got fed up with the frequent shutdowns and curfews announced on one pretext or the other.

As vehicles did not ply on road, residents had to bear the brunt.

Exiled Tibetans in Kashmir boycott Losar celebrations

Exiled Tibetans in Kashmir boycott Losar celebrationsLeh, Feb 27: The new year celebrations of the Tibetan exiles are muted and subdued this year as they mourn for the loss of lives of those killed in Lhasa by the Chinese.

The Tibetans living in Leh region of Jammu and Kashmir have joined their compatriots across the world in boycotting Losar celebration.

A calm and quiet prevails in the region as the people go about their day to day activities in a normal manner, sans the enthusiasm which usually marks the heralding of Losar every year.

J & K to curb army's powers

Govt will revoke special powers act, says Omar

Armed forces may be divested of their special powers in Jammu and Kashmir for the first time since violence broke out in the Valley in early 1990s. Chief minister Omar Abdullah said on Thursday that the government was working towards revoking the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), which gives sweeping powers to troops.

Replying to a debate on AFSPA in the state assembly during his maiden address as the chief minister, Omar said: "We have started the process of revoking the AFSPA and Disturbed Area Act (DAA)."

39 killed in bus accident in India's Jammu and Kashmir

SrinagarSrinagar, Kashmir - At least 39 people were killed and 14 injured Wednesday when a bus skidded off a mountain road and fell into a river in India's northern state of Jammu and Kashmir, police said.

The accident occurred when the driver of the bus lost control while taking a sharp turn on the road at Pul Doda in Doda district, about
180 kilometres north-east of the state's winter capital, Jammu.

The bus fell 90 metres into the Neeru Nullah, a tributary of the Chenab River, an official at the police control room in Jammu said.
