
Israel will send representative to Cairo on Thursday

Israel will send representative to Cairo on Thursday Jerusalem  - Israel confirmed Wednesday evening that it would send to Cairo the following day Amos Gilad, a senior defense official, to follow up on the negotiations for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister's Office could not give details about what Israel would present in Cairo, saying Gilad would primarily listen, but the Jewish State has said it want a cessation of rocket fire from Gaza as well as a end to arms smuggling into the Strip.

Gilad's trip had been originally scheduled for earlier in the week.

Israel says Paris hotel cancels tourism fair amidst Gaza conflict

israel flagJerusalem -The Grand Hotel Intercontinental in Paris has cancelled the central part of an Israeli Tourism Fair, the tourism ministry in Jerusalem said Wednesday, a day before it was scheduled to take place.

"The main part of the event was supposed to take place at their hotel and they cancelled," said Shira Kaveh, a spokeswoman for the ministry.

"The fair will still go on, but not at the hotel. The public part just won't happen, but the private meetings of businessmen will still take place," Kaveh added.

ICRC President Kellenberger: Situation in Gaza "shocking"

Red CrossJerusalem - International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) President Jakob Kellenberger described the large number of wounded people in Gaza and the severity of their injuries as "shocking" Wednesday.

"It hurts, when you see those wounded people, and the type of wounds they have," Kellenberger told a news conference in Jerusalem.

He reminded all parties of their obligation under international law to allow aid and rescue workers unhindered access to injured and suffering civilians.

Israeli troops told to act ruthlessly against Hamas

Israel-PalestineJerusalem, Jan. 14 : An army lieutenant has said that Israel is treating everything as hostile right now, and not taking any chances as far as dealing with the Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Lieutenant Alon said that Israeli troops have been told to ruthlessly shoot rather than ask questions.

''Joe the Plumber'' says war reporting should be ''abolished''

Israeli FlagJerusalem, Jan. 14 : "Joe the Plumber", who is now in Israel as a foreign correspondent, says reporting on wars should be completely abolished.

"To be honest with you, I don''t think journalists should be anywhere allowed war . . . . I liked back in World War I and World War II, when you''d go to the theater and you''d see your troops on the screen and everyone would be real excited and happy for them," he said in an interview with the Associated Press.

Team to gather Gaza evidence to safeguard Israeli officers from lawsuits

Jerusalem, Jan. 14 : Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered his country's defence forces to set up a team of intelligence and legal experts to collect evidence related to Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) operations in the Gaza Strip, that could be used to defend military commanders against future lawsuits.

Called an "Incrimination Team," the group of experts, according to the Jerusalem Post, has already received all of the footage filmed by IDF Combat Camera teams deployed inside the Gaza Strip, to review and decipher.

All footage taken by Combat Camera soldiers is first given to brigade intelligence officers who study it for intelligence information.
